Dinner: Super Bowl Salsa - Contest Winner

Matt Burns won our Salsa Contest. Congrats to him. See recipe below: Talk with Jack LIVE every Sat @ 10am PST http://YouNow.com/users/CookingWithJack Buy Jack's sauces at: http://TheBestSauces.com Here is the recipe: 5 lbs Roma tomatoes 1 lb Jalapenos, seeded 10 oz New Mexico chiles 1 Large White Onion 1 bunch Cilantro 1 head Garlic 1 can Chipotles in Adobo Sauce Juice of 1 Lime Salt and Pepper (Optional) Put chipotles in adobo sauce, garlic cloves and lime juice in food processor and puree. Set aside. Roughly chop the rest of the ingredients, put in food processor, and pulse till finely chopped, or to desired consistency. Add chipotle/garlic/lime puree, and mix well Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Refrigerate overnight.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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