Dinner: Oreo Blackout Chocolate Cake Recipe

Epic... not many other words for this one. Inspired by the one we tried in New York we've upped the ante and gone all out... a marshmallow centre, with chocolate pudding, moist chocolate sponge and an oreo crumb! Hold on to your hats! Get the full recipe at http://sortedfood.com/blackoutcake Also this week: Homemade Paté: http://bit.ly/1J2o3HP Fried Chicken and Pandan Pancakes: http://bit.ly/1Uv2HFc Comidas Gigantes: http://bit.ly/1MbN8zk HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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