Lunch: Me So Corny (Um, Kettle Cornucopia)


1 cup crushed kettle corn
1 cup sugar
3 ounces bourbon
1 1/2 ounces butterscotch schnapps
Ice, for chilling
Salt, for dusting the rim
Sugar, for dusting the rim


For the kettle corn simple syrup: Mix the kettle corn, sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Strain, and then let cool.
Pour the bourbon, butterscotch schnapps and 2 tablespoons of the kettle corn simple syrup into a shaker full of ice and shake well. Mix together equal parts salt and sugar on a shallow plate. Wet the edges of 2 up glasses, and then dip the rims into the salt and sugar mixture. Strain the cocktail and pour into the glasses. Freak out because it's awesome.


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