Snack: Invisible Cookie Dough Ice Pops

Funny thing about these popsicles: there's not actually any cookie dough in them. Yet each lick, each bite, has just enough brown sugar and vanilla to make you think that you're eating cookie dough, or at least its essence. Is invisible cookie dough bette


1 1/4 c. milk
1/3 c. light brown sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 tbsp. mini semisweet chocolate chips


In a microwave-safe container or glass measuring cup, microwave milk 30 seconds or until warm to the touch. Add brown sugar and salt and stir until dissolved. Add vanilla.
Place 1/2 tablespoon chocolate chips in the bottom of each of four 1/3-cup ice-pop molds or small paper cups. Top each with milk mixture. Insert sticks and place molds in freezer. Freeze until solid, at least 3 hours.
To release pops, run molds under warm water 20 to 30 seconds; they should slide right out. (If using paper cups, simply peel cups away and discard.)


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