Lunch: Portobello Personal Pizzas

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Portobello Personal Pizzas

Basil is an excellent stress reliever, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


4 large Portobello Mushroom Caps
1 medium Vine Tomato
4 oz. Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
1/4 cup Fresh Chopped Basil
6 tbsp. Olive Oil
20 slices Pepperoni
Salt and Pepper to Taste


1. Get your 4 portobello mushrooms ready.
2. Scrape out all of the innards of the mushroom. Then dig into the flesh and get the mushroom about 1cm thick.
3. Set the oven to broil on high and rub the insides of each mushroom with just under 1 tbsp. Olive Oil. You should use 3 tbsp. Olive Oil between the 4 mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Broil the mushroom for about 4-5 minutes.
5. Flip the mushrooms over and rub again with 3 tbsp. Olive Oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Broil the mushrooms with the other side facing up for about 3-4 minutes longer.
6. Slice a tomato thin, about 12-16 slices in total. Chop 1/4 cup basil into strips.
7. Lay the tomato and basil into each mushroom. depending on how many slices of tomato, you will put 3-4 slices in each mushroom. About 1 tbsp. of basil on top of each mushroom also.
8. Lay 5 slices of pepperoni onto each mushroom and top with fresh cubed mozzarella cheese (1 oz per mushroom).
9. Broil again for 2-4 minutes, or until cheese is melted and starts to brown.
10. Serve up!


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