Lunch: Grilled Ribeye Sandwich Spread


1 pound Leftover Cooked Meat: Pot Roast, Steaks, Etc.
3/4 cups Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon White Vinegar
1/2 whole Small Onion, Finely Diced
4 whole Hard Boiled Eggs, Chopped
6 whole Pickle Slices, Chopped
3 Tablespoons Sweet Pickle Relish
Salt And Pepper, to taste
Optional Ingredients: Pimentos, Diced Green Pepper, Diced Jalapeno


Grind meat finely in the food processor.
Stir in all other ingredients, adjusting quantities to taste. Be sure to add enough salt and pepper.
Keep refrigerated until you need it. Spread on toasted wheat bread or serve as a salad on a piece of Romaine lettuce.


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