Snack: Brownie Batter Ice Cream Bars

Recipe by Lauren Miyashiro SO much better than licking the spoon, we promise.


1 box brownie mix
2 sticks butter, melted
1 tsp. espresso powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. mini chocolate chips
1 gal. vanilla ice cream, softened


Line a large sheet pan with parchment paper and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine brownie mix, butter, espresso powder, and vanilla. Use a hand mixer or wooden spoon to mix. Batter will be thick and similar in texture to cookie dough. Fold in chocolate chips.
Dump brownie batter onto parchment-lined sheet pan. Press, using your hands, to flatten, then cover batter with a second sheet of parchment and roll over batter with a rolling pin. Continue to roll until you have an even, thin layer of batter, about 1/4" thick. Freeze for 1 hour.
When brownie batter is frozen, remove pan from freezer and halve crosswise. Scoop ice cream over one half and spread with an offset spatula to create a thick and even layer. Place other brownie half on top of ice cream to create a giant ice cream sandwich. Freeze on pan until fully frozen, about 4 hours.
Working quickly, slice sandwich into squares. Serve immediately or cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer until ready to serve.


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