Dinner: Lime-Marinated Shrimp Salad Recipe


1 large onion, quartered
2 to 4 serrano peppers, seeded and coarsely chopped
2 medium cucumbers, peeled, quartered and seeds removed
2 large tomatoes, cut into chunks
6 green onions, coarsely chopped (about 3/4 cup)
2 pounds peeled and deveined cooked shrimp (26-30 per pound)
3/4 cup lime juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Tortilla chips or tostada shells


Place onion and peppers in a food processor; pulse until very finely chopped. Transfer to a large bowl. Place cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions in food processor; pulse until finely chopped. Add to bowl.
Place shrimp in food processor; pulse until chopped. Add shrimp, lime juice, salt and pepper to vegetable mixture; toss to coat. Refrigerate until cold. Serve with tortilla chips or tostada shells.


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