Lunch: Crêpes à la Confiture

Recipe by Jacques Pepin Recipe courtesy of Jacques Pépin


.67 c. all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. sugar
3/4 c. nonfat milk
1 tbsp. corn or canola oil
A little additional oil for greasing the skillet


Combine the flour, eggs, sugar, and 1/4 cup of the milk in a bowl, and mix with a whisk until smooth. (The mixture will be fairly thick.) Add the remaining milk and the tablespoon of oil, and mix until smooth.
Lightly grease the bottom of an 8- or 9-inch nonstick skillet with a little oil, and heat the pan over medium to high heat. When it is hot, add about 3 tablespoons of the crêpes batter, and quickly tilt and move the skillet so the batter coats the entire bottom of the pan. (Move quickly, or the batter will set before the bottom of the skillet is coated, and the crêpes will be thicker than desired.)
Cook for about 45 seconds on one side, and then turn and cook for about 20 seconds on the other side. As you make the crêpes, stack them on a plate, first-browned side down, so that when they are filled and folded this nicer side will be visible. The crêpes are best made and filled just before eating.
To fill, spread each crêpes with about 2 teaspoons of jam, 1 teaspoon of sugar, or 2 teaspoons of grated chocolate. Fold in half, enclosing the filling, and then in half again. Eat immediately.


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