Lunch: Oysters with Green Apple and Wasabi Granita


1/2 cup fresh Granny Smith apple juice
2 tablespoons sugar
One 1/2-inch piece fresh wasabi, peeled and finely chopped
1 drop green food coloring
Shucked Kushi oysters, for serving
Micro nasturtium leaves, for garnish


In a blender, combine the apple juice, sugar and wasabi and puree until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve into a 2-cup baking dish; discard the solids. Stir in the food coloring, then freeze for 30 minutes. Using a fork, stir the granita; continue freezing and stirring every 30 minutes, until frozen and fluffy, about 3 hours. To serve, spoon 1 teaspoon of the granita onto a shucked oyster and garnish with micro nasturtium leaves.


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