Lunch: Tex-Mex Chicken Noodle Soup

Recipe by Lindsay Funston Looking for a spicy twist on chicken noodle? Found it.


1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium carrot, sliced into half moons
1 15-oz can corn
1 tbsp. dried oregano
1 tbsp. ground cumin
1 tbsp. chili powder
kosher salt
1 15-oz can diced tomatoes
1 jalapeño, chopped
6 c. low-sodium chicken broth
12 oz. fusilli or pasta of choice
2 c. Shredded chicken
Juice of 1 lime
Avocado, cotija, cilantro, and hot sauce for topping


In a large pot over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and cook until soft, then add garlic, carrot, and corn and stir until combined. Add oregano, cumin, and chili powder and season with salt. Add diced tomatoes, jalapeño, and chicken broth and bring to a simmer.
When simmering, add pasta and let cook until al dente.
Add chicken and squeeze with lime juice.
Serve in bowls topped with avocado, cotija, cilantro, and hot sauce.


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