Lunch: Cauliflower Benedict

Recipe by Lindsay Funston Cauliflower hash brown patties = #brunchgoals.


1/2 head cauliflower
1 large egg
1 c. Grated Cheddar
Pinch of corn starch
kosher salt
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil


Grate cauliflower on a box grater until shredded. Add to a medium bowl and crack in an egg. Add cheddar and a pinch of corn starch and season with salt.
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add spoonfuls of cauliflower mixture and shape into a patty. Cook until brown and crispy, 5 minutes, then flip and cook 5 minutes more.
Poach eggs: Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, then reduce to a low simmer. Create a vortex by stirring the water, then drop in an egg. Let cook 3 minutes, then transfer with a slotted spoon to a paper towel. Repeat.
Discard all but 2" of water and bring to a low simmer. Add a water over saucepan to create a double boiler and add egg yolks. Add lemon juice and whisk until combined, then stir in melted butter in a steady stream, whisking constantly, until combined. Season with cayenne and salt.
Serve cauliflower hash brown patties topped with Canadian bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise. Garnish with paprika and chives.


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