Lunch: Simply Red Fruit Salad Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Frances Largeman-Roth, RD This juicy, crimson-colored salad uses liquid from boiled cherries, reserved orange juice, lime zest and jam to create a sweet sauce to drizzle over fresh fruit.


1/2 cup dried cherries
1 pound strawberries, hulled and quartered (halved if small)
1 cup red grapes, halved
2 blood or navel oranges, depending on season
Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 lime
1 tablespoon strawberry jam
1/3 cup pomegranate seeds (arils), from 1 pomegranate


In a small heatproof bowl, cover cherries with boiling water. Let sit for 15 minutes; drain, reserving liquid.
Add berries and grapes to bowl with cherries.
Over a bowl, use a paring knife to remove skin and pith from oranges. Slice alongside membranes of each segment, releasing segments. Squeeze juice from membranes. Transfer segments to bowl with cherries; reserve juice.
In a small pan, combine reserved liquid from cherries, reserved orange juice and lime zest and juice. Add jam. Boil until reduced by half, about 3 minutes. Let cool completely at room temperature.
Before serving, drizzle sauce over fruit and top with pomegranate arils.


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