Dessert: Slutty Brownie Ice Cream Cake

Recipe by Lindsay Funston Putting in the time to create all of these magical layers is more than worth it.


1 box brownie mix
2 eggs
1/4 c. water
1/2 c. vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and grease a 9" springform pan with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, mix all brownie ingredients until well combined. Use half the batter and bake according to package directions. Let cool completely (or freeze for about1 hour). (Use leftover batter however you'd like.)
Meanwhile, make cookie dough: In a large bowl, mix butter with brown and white sugar. Add milk and vanilla and stir to combine. Stir in flour and salt. When fully combined, fold in chocolate chips. Press cookie dough in an even layer into bottom of pan.
On top of cookie dough, add a single layer of Oreos. Drizzle with hot fudge. On top of that, add first layer of slightly softened ice cream (1/2 gallon). Spread in an even layer. Cover in plastic wrap and freeze immediately, 1 hour.
Press brownie on top of the first frozen ice cream layer. Then spread remaining 1/2 gallon ice cream on top. Top with crushed Oreos and a drizzle of hot fudge. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and immediately transfer back to freezer. Freeze until ice cream is hard, 6 hours or overnight.


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