Lunch: Pumpkin Spice-infused Vodka Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Linda Lau Anusasananan Infuse your favorite vodka with the comforting flavors of vanilla, pumpkin, and nutmeg for a one-of-a-kind cocktail.


1 vanilla bean (6 in.)
piece of pumpkin or banana squash
1/2 of a whole nutmeg
1 bottle (750 ml. or 1 qt.) vodka


Cut 1 vanilla bean (6 in.) in half lengthwise. With a vegetable peeler, shave 12 thin ribbons (4 to 6 in. long and about 1 in. wide) off a rinsed piece of pumpkin or banana squash. In a 1- to 1 1/2-quart jar, combine vanilla, pumpkin, 1/2 of a whole nutmeg, and 1 bottle (750 ml. or 1 qt.) vodka. Seal jar and let stand at least 4 days or up to 3 months. The flavor intensifies the longer it stands; remove flavorings once vodka tastes as strong as you like.


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