Lunch: Fried Rice I

Recipe by homemaker The best homemade fried rice you can make! The bacon may be non-traditional, but it adds a little extra CRUNCH. Great with chicken or beef.


1 1/3 cups uncooked white rice
1 2/3 cups water
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 teaspoons vegetable oil, divided
1/4 pound bacon, cut into strips
1/8 cup soy sauce
1 (10 ounce) package frozen green peas, thawed
2 green onions, chopped


In a saucepan bring water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, season eggs with salt and pepper.
Heat 1 teaspoon oil in small frying pan, pour in eggs. Coat the bottom of the pan with the eggs, in order to cook them evenly; cook for about 3 minutes. Flip the eggs, cook one minute more and remove them to a cool surface. Let them cool, then cut them into thin slices. Set aside.
Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and set aside.
Spoon remaining 2 teaspoons oil into the skillet with the bacon fat. Stir in rice; break up any clumps and toss to coat with oil. Stir in bacon, soy sauce, peas, eggs and green onions. Stir and cook until heated through, approximately 3 minutes.


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