Dessert: Chocolate Marshmallow Pops

While tempering chocolate, piping rosettes and building a tower of homemade truffles are great ways to celebrate the gushiest day of the year, spearing marshmallows, dunking them in chocolate and dusting them with heart-shaped sprinkles can be just as fun


Large marshmallows
Bittersweet chocolate chunks
Sprinkles, or edible decorations of your choice
Lollipop sticks


Puncture the marshmallows with the lollipop sticks and set aside.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, or use a heat-proof bowl and microwave the chunks, stirring at 30-second intervals, until the chocolate is completely melted. Be careful not to burn it.
Dip the marshmallows into the melted chocolate, let the excess drip off and then sprinkle them with the candy decorations of your choice.
Position the marshmallow pops upright to dry until the chocolate has fully hardened (a bowl filled with rice or a block of styrofoam will hold the sticks securely).


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