Dessert: Carolyn's Gelatin Cheesecake

A quick and easy no-bake cheesecake.


1 pint fresh strawberries, plus extra for garnish
2 ready-made light graham cracker crusts
3 (0.3 oz) boxes sugar-free strawberry gelatin dessert
1 (12 oz) container low-fat cottage cheese
1 (8 oz) container frozen light whipped topping, thawed


Put cottage cheese in a blender. Make 2 boxes of the gelatin, using 1 cup of hot and one cup of cold water. At once, before it gels, add to cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Pour evenly into crust and refrigerate until set. Cut up fruit and place on top of pie. Make up remaining package gelatin per instructions on box. Pour it on top of fruit and put it in refrigerator until set. Put whipped topping on top. Garnish with more fruit.


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