Snack: Brownie Bat Truffles

Recipe by Naomi Robinson So good, these fudgy brownie bat truffles will fly away in no time.


1 13-x-9" pan fudgy brownie, baked and cooled
1/2 c. Chocolate frosting
7 Oreo cookies, halved and stuffing removed
11 oz. chocolate
2 c. black sanding sugars
28 royal icing eyes or red mini M&Ms


Line a baking sheet with parchment with paper and set aside.
In a large bowl, roughly crumble brownie by hand. Mix in chocolate frosting and gently knead mixture until evenly moistened.
Using a cookie scoop, portion out 1 tablespoon brownie frosting mixture and roll into small balls. Insert two halved Oreo cookies on either side to create wings. Place brownie balls on the prepared baking sheet and freeze until firm, 2 hours.
Remove balls from freezer and let come to room temperature for 15 minutes. Heat chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl in 5-second bursts until melted. Dip bat brownie truffles in chocolate and dust with black sanding sugar. Decorate with royal icing eyes or mini M&Ms.


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