Dessert: Red and White Chocolate Bark

Stuff your stockings with this festive holiday chocolate bark.


1 lb. white chocolate
3 oz. red candy melts


Line a 9-by 13-inch cake pan with nonstick foil or parchment paper, leaving a 2-inch overhang on all four sides.
Place the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and melt on medium, stirring every 20 seconds, until smooth (about 80 seconds). Spread into the prepared pan.
In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the red candy melts on medium, stirring every 20 seconds, until smooth (about 60 seconds). Drop small spoonfuls of the red candy melts onto the white chocolate and using a knife or skewer, swirl the red candy melts through the white chocolate.
Refrigerate the chocolate until set, about 20 minutes. Break into pieces before serving.


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