Dessert: Peach and Cherry Compote Dessert

This delicious summery dessert comes together in minutes, and it gets a boost from a surprise ingredient — fried pie crust.


4 tablespoons butter
5 peaches, pitted and sliced
1 cup cherries, stemmed, pitted and chopped
1/4 cup sugar
ready-made pie dough, cut into rustic strips, one per dish
heavy whipping cream, chilled, for serving


Add butter to a large saucepan over medium high heat, and allow it to melt. Stir in the peaches, cherries and sugar. Turn heat to medium and cook until the fruit is melted and stewed all together, about 6-8 minutes.
Heat oil to 350 °. Drop in pie dough scraps and fry until golden and crisp, about 2 minutes. Drain on a paper towel lined sheet tray.
Spoon compote into a decorative glass and drizzle lightly with chilled heavy cream. Top with a dough crisp.


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