Lunch: Corrie's Kitchen Spa: Foaming Bath Soap

A homemade foamy treat for your next bath.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Corrie's Kitchen Spa: Foaming Bath Soap

One tbsp of honey has a glycemic index (GI) of 55.


1 cup sweet almond oil, (you may substitute a light olive oil)
1/2 cup honey, (local, organic honey is best)
1/2 cup liquid hand soap
1 tablespoon vanilla extract


In a medium bowl, add the oil and slowly stir in the remaining ingredients until fully incorporated. Pour mixture through a funnel into a clean plastic bottle with a squeeze top. Be sure to shake gently before using. Squeeze desired amount under running water into a bathtub. Step in and enjoy a silky luxurious bath that will moisturize your skin while you soak.


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