Dessert: White Chocolate and Cardamom Rice Pudding with Marmalade and Cointreau Sauce

Recipe by Edited by Micah Carr-Hill Charles Worthington is an award-winning hairdresser, a world-class host—at his homes in the South of France, London, and Kent—and a great fan of Green & Black's, going back to the very early days when Jo Fairley (weari


1/2 cup short grain rice
1/3 cup golden baker's sugar
1 1/3 cups 1% milk
1/2 cup half-and-half
3 whole cardamom pods, seeds removed and ground to a powder
3 1/2 oz white chocolate, grated


Place the rice and sugar into a medium saucepan, then pour in the milk and half-and-half. Add the cardamom powder.
Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until the rice is swollen and tender. Add a little hot water if it's looking a little dry.
Remove from the heat and stir in the grated white chocolate. Cover the pan and set aside.
To make the sauce, combine the marmalade with the Cointreau and heat gently in a pan.
Divide the rice pudding between four bowls and drizzle with the sauce.
Serve decorated with a few shavings of white chocolate, if desired.


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