Dessert: Banana Tartes Tatin

Recipe by The Bon Appétit Test Kitchen Four ingredients never tasted so good! Vanilla ice cream makes a great fifth.


4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
8 tablespoons light brown sugar
4 firm ripe bananas, peeled, cut on a diagonal into 1/4"-thick slices
4 6" rounds puff pastry cut from one package of puff pastry, thawed
Special equipment: Four 5"-diameter, 1"-high crème brûlée dishes


Preheat oven to 400 °F. Place dishes on a rimmed baking sheet. Smear bottom of each dish with 1 tablespoon butter. Sprinkle each evenly with 2 tablespoons sugar. Overlap slices from 1 banana over sugar, arranging in concentric circles to cover. Top each dish with 1 puff pastry round, tucking in edges of pastry.
Bake until pastry is golden and puffed and filling is bubbly, 20-25 minutes. Invert onto plates.


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