Lunch: Grilled Italian Pork Chops

Recipe by H Grob Grilled pork chops covered with ham, tomato and mozzarella cheese.


4 (3/4 inch thick) pork chops
salt and ground black pepper to taste
4 slices ham
4 slices tomato
4 slices mozzarella cheese
chopped fresh oregano to taste
paprika to taste


Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat, and lightly oil the grate.
Sprinkle pork chops with salt and black pepper, and grill until the chops are browned, show good grill marks, and are no longer pink in the middle, 5 to 8 minutes per side. An instant-read meat thermometer inserted into the center of a chop should read at least 145 degrees F (63 degrees C).
Place ham, tomato, and mozzarella cheese slices on each pork chop, and sprinkle with oregano and paprika; cook until the cheese has melted, about 2 more minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.


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