Lunch: Best Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich from ALDI

This cute, souped-up turkey sandwich is a breeze to make in batches, if you're hosting guests through the weekend. Check out the original recipe from ALDI here.


32 oz. Leftover cooked turkey meat, shredded
24 oz. Leftover gravy
2 Cans of Happy Harvest Candied Yams from ALDI
2 tbsp. Friendly Farms Half and Half from ALDI
1/2 c. Sweet Harvest Jellied Cranberry Sauce from ALDI
2 tbsp. Carlini Extra Virgin Olive Oil from ALDI
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. Burman's Dijon Mustard from ALDI
Kosher salt and pepper to taste
2 Packages of L’oven Fresh Hawaiian Rolls from ALDI
2 Packages of Specially Selected Edam Cheese from ALDI


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Combine leftover turkey and gravy in saucepan. Warm through over medium heat, season with salt and pepper.
In food processor, combine candied yams and half and half. Process until smooth.
To make cranberry vinaigrette, whisk cranberry sauce, olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper together in small bowl.
Warm rolls in oven for 5 minutes. Slice in half.
To assemble: Spread candied yams mixture over bottom half. Evenly divide turkey among each sandwich. Top with slices of cheese and desired amount of cranberry vinaigrette.


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