Lunch: Spicy Jalapeño Sweet Potato Fries

Recipe by Jennifer Iserloh These are made with sweet potatoes, a superfood that helps you slim and energize. The sticks have kick, so dunk 'em in our cooling dip to put out the fire.


3 medium peeled sweet potatoes
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon jalapeño salt
Vegetable oil cooking spray
1 jalapeño


Heat oven to 425 °. Cut 3 medium peeled sweet potatoes into 1/4-inch-thick fries. In a bowl, combine 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 1/2 teaspoon jalapeño salt; add fries and toss. Arrange fries on two baking sheets coated with vegetable oil cooking spray; coat with more cooking spray. Bake until fries begin to brown, 10 minutes. Remove from oven and flip; spritz with cooking spray and sprinkle with 1 sliced jalapeño. Bake until golden, 8 minutes.


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