Dinner: Corn Dogs with Krab Relish


1/2 pound imitation crab, diced
1 medium shallot, minced
1 medium-size sour dill pickle, seeded and minced
1/4 cup chopped celery leaves
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup Kewpie mayonnaise
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon togarashi
Kosher salt


Make the relish In a medium bowl, combine all of the ingredients and season with salt. Mix well, cover and refrigerate.
Make the corn dogs On a work surface, cut the corn kernels off the cobs; using the sharp side of the knife, scrape the pulp off the cobs. You should have 1 1/2 cups of kernels and pulp. Transfer the kernels and pulp to a blender and pulse to form a coarse puree.
Scrape the puree into a large nonstick skillet and cook over moderately high heat, stirring frequently, until thickened and reduced to 1 cup, about 5 minutes. Let cool.
In a heavy pot, heat 2 inches of oil to 350 °. In a large bowl, whisk the 1/4 cup of both flours with the cornmeal, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in the corn puree and buttermilk. Skewer each hot dog lengthwise, leaving about 2 inches of wood exposed to use as a handle. Dredge each hot dog in rice flour, then dip in the batter and twirl to coat, letting the excess drip back into the bowl. Gradually lower each hot dog into the hot oil and fry until the batter is browned and crisp, 3 to 5 minutes (don’t fry more than 4 at once). Drain the corn dogs on a paper towel–lined baking sheet. Serve with the krab relish.


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