Lunch: Pimento Cheese Deviled Eggs with Crispy Pancetta


10 large eggs
2 ounces aged sharp Cheddar, grated
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup pimento peppers, minced
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
Kosher salt
2 ounces pancetta, minced
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives


Special equipment: a fine mesh sieve and piping bag, optionalTo make perfectly boiled eggs, gently place the eggs in the bottom of a saucepan, being careful not to crack them. Fully submerge them in cold water. Over high heat, bring the water to a boil. Once it reaches a full boil, immediately turn the heat off, cover and let sit for 10 minutes exactly. Strain the water from the pan and run the eggs under cold water. Peel, then rinse the eggs under cold water to remove any shells that may be stuck to the whites. Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolks into a mixing bowl. Rinse the egg whites in cold water and drain. Press the yolks through a fine mesh sieve, or alternatively, you may use a fork to mash the yolks into a fine paste. Add the Cheddar, mayonnaise, pimento peppers, white pepper and 1 teaspoon salt and mix well. Spoon the filling into a piping bag or a plastic bag with the corner snipped off. Pipe the filling into the egg white cavities. In a medium skillet set over medium-high heat, cook the pancetta until rendered and slightly caramelized, about 8 minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove the pancetta onto a paper towel-lined plate to drain of excess oil. Top the piped eggs with the crispy pancetta. Sprinkle with paprika and finish with chives.


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