Drink: Thai Iced Tea Cocktail


2 ounces vodka
2 teaspoons Thai iced tea leaves*
2 ounces water, optional
1 tablespoon simple syrup, or more to taste, (equal parts sugar and water cooked until sugar is dissolved, then the mixture cooled)
Ice, as needed
2 ounces evaporated milk
*Can be found at Asian supermarkets or online


Infuse 2 teaspoons Thai iced tea overnight in 2 ounces vodka. (Or, make a larger batch by adding 6 tablespoons of loose tea per liter of vodka). Strain out the tea leaves, then pour 2 ounces tea and 1 tablespoon simple syrup in a shaker, along with 2 ounces water if a less potent drink is preferred.
Pour over ice, and top with 2 ounces evaporated milk.
Series: Drinks with Alie and Georgia
Episode: Thai Iced Tea Cocktail (Ep. 16)


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