Lunch: Soy Spiced Roast Chicken


One 4-pound roasting chicken
4 tablespoons peanut oil
1 tablespoon Chinese five-spice powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
Zest of 1 Mandarin orange, remaining orange reserved for later use


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Pat the chicken dry inside and out with paper towels. In a small bowl, combine the peanut oil, five-spice powder, salt and pepper. Stir the zest into the spices. Rub the chicken inside and out with the spice mixture. For the stuffing: Stuff the bird with the scallions, star anise, chile, ginger and orange (cut into pieces if needed). Roast the chicken for 1 hour undisturbed. For the basting sauce: Combine the honey and soy sauce. After the chicken has cooked for 1 hour, baste the chicken liberally every 10 minutes until it is cooked through and an internal thermometer reads 160 degrees F, 30 to 40 minutes more. Remove the chicken and let rest tented with foil for 10 minutes before serving. Chicken temperature will reach 165 degrees F while resting. For the salsa: While chicken rests, whisk together the ginger, chile oil, soy sauce, vinegar, peanut oil, chiles, scallions and mandarin juice and zest until well combined. Carve the chicken tableside and serve the salsa on the side.


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