Lunch: Worms and Maggots Salad


1 head cauliflower
4 dried white peaches
1 cup grapes, halved
1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped


For the cauliflower couscous: Grate the cauliflower into a large mixing bowl with a cheese grater or in a food processor with the grating tool attached so it looks like couscous. Julienne the peaches thinly so they resemble worms and add to the bowl. Stir in the grapes and mint.
For the champagne poppy vinaigrette: Blend together the olive oil, champagne vinegar, maple syrup, vanilla extract and garlic in a food processor. Once combined, fold in the jerky, poppy seeds and some salt and pepper.
Pour on top of the cauliflower salad and mix.


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