Lunch: Goose with Apple-Prune Stuffing Recipe


1 domestic goose (10 to 12 pounds)


Sprinkle inside of goose with salt. Prick skin well; set aside. In a skillet, saute celery, onion and garlic in butter; transfer to a large bowl. Add the next 10 ingredients. Add bread crumbs until stuffing has the desired consistency. Stuff the goose. Place with breast side up on a rack in a large shallow roasting pan. Bake, uncovered, at 350 ° for 3 to 3-1/2 hours or until thermometer reads 185 °. Drain fat from pan as it accumulates. If desired, make glaze: Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook and stir until bubbly; cook and stir 2 minutes more. Brush over the goose during the last 20 minutes of baking. Remove all stuffing.


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