Dessert: Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake Recipe | MyRecipes

Let this elegant chocolate cheesecake be the centerpiece of your holiday tablescape featuring a gorgeous White Chocolate Snowflake in the center.


1 1/2 cups crushed dark chocolate-and-almond shortbread cookies (about 18 cookies; we tested with Keebler Dark Chocolate and Almond Shortbread Sandies)
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 (4-oz.) semisweet chocolate baking bars, chopped
1 cup whipping cream
4 (8-oz.) packages cream cheese, softened
1 (14-oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 large eggs
Ganache Topping
Garnish: fresh raspberries or White Chocolate Snowflake


Preheat oven to 300 °. Combine crushed cookies and butter. Press mixture on bottom of a 9-inch springform pan.
Microwave chocolate and cream at HIGH 1 1/2 minutes or until melted, stirring at 30-second intervals.
Beat cream cheese at medium speed with a heavy-duty electric stand mixer 2 minutes or until smooth. Add sweetened condensed milk and vanilla, beating just until combined. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating at low speed just until blended after each addition. Add chocolate mixture, beating just until blended. Pour batter into prepared crust.
Bake at 300 ° for 1 hour and 5 minutes or just until center is set. Turn oven off. Let cheesecake stand in oven with door closed 30 minutes. Remove cheesecake from oven; gently run a knife around outer edge of cheesecake to loosen from sides of pan. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack (about 1 hour). Cover and chill 8 to 24 hours.
Remove sides of pan, and place cheesecake on a serving plate. Slowly pour warm Ganache Topping over cheesecake, spreading to edges. Chill 1 hour before serving. Garnish, if desired.


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