Dessert: Peach-Tarragon Shortcake

Recipe by Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer How is this shortcake different from all others? Cake flour makes it extra-tender, for starters, then it's baked in one big circle and bathed in tarragon-infused butter. You might never go back.


4 large ripe peaches
2 sprigs tarragon
1/4 –1/2 cup sugar


Peaches Using the tip of a paring knife, score an X in the bottom of each peach. Cook in a large pot of boiling water just until skins begin to peel back where cut, about 1 minute. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a bowl of ice water; let cool. Peel; cut over a medium bowl into 1/4"-thick wedges, collecting juices.
Add tarragon and sugar to peaches and toss to combine. Let stand, tossing occasionally, until peaches release their juices and sugar is dissolved, about 1 hour.


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