Lunch: Grilled Oysters with Chorizo Butter


4 ounces fresh Mexican chorizo, casings removed
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
18 Louisiana or other medium to large oysters, scrubbed
Cilantro leaves and finely grated lime zest, for garnish


In a skillet, cook the chorizo over moderate heat, breaking it up with a spoon, until lightly browned, 8 minutes. Scrape into a bowl and let cool, then break into small clumps.
Add 1 tablespoon of water to the skillet and simmer over low heat. Add the butter to the skillet a few cubes at a time, whisking constantly until melted before adding more. Stir in the chorizo and lime juice and season with salt. Keep warm over very low heat.
Light a grill. Place the oysters on the grill, flat side up. Grill over high heat until the shells open slightly. Carefully transfer to a platter and, using kitchen gloves or a mitt, remove the top shell. Spoon the chorizo butter onto the oysters and garnish with a cilantro leaf and lime zest. Serve right away.


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