Lunch: Green Papaya Salad with Curry-Lime Dressing

Gewürztraminer is so in concert with this dish, it's almost orchestral," restaurateur Peter Kasperski notes. He loves how the wine's sweet spiciness enhances the fish sauce, curry and cilantro in the salad.


2 tbsp. Asian fish sauce
2 tbsp. lime juice
1 tbsp. unseasoned rice vinegar
1 tbsp. mirin
1/2 tsp. Thai red curry paste
1/2 tsp. mild curry powder
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 green papaya
1/4 c. cilantro
4 small scallions
3 oz. inari (fried tofu skin)
2 tbsp. pickled ginger


In a large bowl, whisk the fish sauce with the lime juice, rice vinegar, mirin, curry paste, curry powder and vegetable oil. Add the green papaya, cilantro, scallions, inari and pickled ginger and toss well. Season lightly with salt and refrigerate until chilled, about 30 minutes. Looking for more healthy recipes? Check out our collections of low-fat recipes, healthy recipes for the whole day, and vegan recipes.


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