Lunch: Deep Dish Fruit Pizza


1-1/3 cup Shortening (may Substitute Butter)
1-1/2 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Orange Zest
1 teaspoon Vanilla
2 whole Eggs
8 teaspoons Whole Milk
4 cups All-purpose Flour
3 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
2 jars (13 Ounces Each) Marshmallow Creme
2 packages (8 Ounces Each) Cream Cheese
Kiwi Fruit
Other Fruit Optional


Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a large bowl, cream shortening (or butter), sugar, orange peel and vanilla thoroughly. Add in eggs and beat until light and fluffy. Add in the milk and mix.
In a medium-sized bowl, sift together the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and salt), then blend this into the cream mixture. Slightly flatten between two sheets of waxed paper, then refrigerate for one hour (or freeze for 20 minutes).
Press dough into a sheet cake pan OR divide the dough in half and roll each half into a large round, then transfer to pizza pans.
Bake for 12-15 minutes until cookie dough is cooked and golden brown, but not overly crisp. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.
Using a mixer with a whisk attachment, whip together Marshmallow Creme and cream cheese until light. Spread onto cooled "pizza" crust, then decorate the top generously with sliced fruit. Slice into squares or wedges and serve.


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