Lunch: Turkey Pepper Jack Links with Corn Black Bean Salsa

A quick, fresh corn and black bean salsa gives turkey sausages a spicy flair.


1 c. frozen corn
1 c. black beans
1/4 c. chopped red bell pepper
2 tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 tbsp. Chopped cilantro
1 jalapeño pepper
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. Sea salt
1 package Hillshire Farm® Turkey Pepper Jack links
6 French bread rolls or hot dog buns


Combine corn, black beans, bell pepper, lime juice, cilantro, jalapeño pepper, cumin, and salt in a small bowl.
Grill sausages according to package directions, turning frequently. Place one grilled sausage in each roll and top with 1/4 cup corn black bean salsa.
Refrigerate remaining corn salsa to serve at another occasion.


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