Lunch: Grilled Sweet Potato, Orange, and Chickpea Salad Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Melissa Roberts Enjoy the benefits of Grilled Sweet Potato, Orange, and Chickpea Salad. Not only is this salad great-tasting, orange and yellow foods, such and the ones in this salad, boast carotenoids like geta-carotene, which is a type of vit


1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes
3 navel oranges
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cooking spray
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
3 scallions, white and light green parts only, thinly sliced


Microwave potatoes on high for 12 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of ice water to cool. Peel and slice potatoes 1/2-inch thick; reserve.
With a sharp knife, remove peel and thick white pith from oranges; reserve juice in a bowl. Halve and slice crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick half moons, reserving juice. Transfer 3 tablespoons of collected juice into a bowl; whisk in vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, and salt; reserve.
Spray grill pan with cooking spray; heat over medium-high until hot. Cook potatoes until grill marks appear, turning once (3-5 minutes per batch).
In a large serving bowl, toss potatoes with chickpeas, oranges, scallions, and dressing.


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