Lunch: Mexican Skillet Corn with Chicken and Cilantro

Recipe by Kay Chun This easy, fresh, spicy summer dish makes fantastic use of leftover chicken and crisp, sweet corn.


2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 c. onion
3 clove garlic
3 c. fresh corn
3 c. grilled chicken from Mixed Grill with Roasted-Garlic-and-Pepper Salsa
1 jalapeño
1/4 c. cilantro
3 tbsp. sour cream
2 tbsp. lime juice
Freshly ground pepper
Grated queso fresco


In a large skillet, heat the olive oil. Add the onion, garlic and corn, and cook over moderately high heat until the onion is golden, about 5 minutes. Stir in the chicken, jalapeño, cilantro, sour cream and lime juice; season with salt. Transfer to a large bowl, top with queso fresco and serve. Looking for more chicken recipes? Try our collections of chicken breast recipes, chicken casserole recipes, and recipes for leftover chicken.


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