Breakfast: Breakfast Tacos


2 chorizo, or any type of sausage
2 eggs
Salt and ground pepper
4 tablespoons chipotle hot sauce
2 tortillas


Cut up the chorizo into 1/2-inch pieces. Set aside. Make scrambled eggs by cracking your eggs in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Then whisk until the egg yolks and whites are blended together. For the sauce, combine the chipotle hot sauce with as much mayo as you'd like. Stir and set aside. Cook your chorizo in a pan over medium heat until golden brown and crispy. Remove the chorizo from the pan and put in a bowl. (Keep the chorizo oil in the pan.) To scramble the eggs: Pour the egg mixture in the hot pan with the leftover chorizo oil and allow it to cook for about 20 seconds. The edges will start to cook first. As soon as the edges begin to cook (and the center is still liquid), begin to gently drag a wooden spoon through the eggs in a slow, circular motion. Before the egg looks thoroughly cooked, it will appear shiny and wet; this is good. You do not want to overcook scrambled eggs. Turn off the fire and put your eggs on a plate. Microwave the tortillas for 20 seconds. Assemble your breakfast taco by adding the sauce first, eggs second and chorizo last. Serve!


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