Dinner: Plantation Shrimp with Shiitake Mushrooms and Baby Bok Choy

Recipe by Chef Charles Phan This recipe is part of a menu developed for Epicurious by Charles Phan, the chef-owner of San Francisco's The Slanted Door. Read more about Phan and Vietnamese food.


1 1/2 cups chicken stock
5 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
12 plantation or tiger shrimp
4 ounces shiitake mushrooms
12 to 16 ounces baby bok choy
3 tablespoons canola oil
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons mirin (rice wine)
1/3 cup stir-fry sauce
Steamed rice for serving


In a medium bowl, combine the chicken stock, fish sauce, and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.


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