Lunch: Cauliflower Casserole


12 Chicken Thighs (4 Oz. Each)

1 Head Cauliflower (30 Oz. chopped)

8 Oz Cheddar Cheese, Shredded

8 Oz Monterey Jack Cheese, Shredded

1 Bunch Green Onions (6 Green Onions, 75g total)

6 Thick Cut Bacon Slices

1 Medium Onion (162g)

1 Medium Green Pepper (147g)

1 Tablespoon Minced Garlic

8 Oz Cream Cheese

4 Oz Heavy Cream

Salt and Pepper to taste


1.Start by adding the chicken thighs to a casserole dish, adding salt and pepper, adding some water to about mid thigh and cooking at 350 degrees for 60 minutes

2.OR chopping the chicken up and cooking it in a pan on the stovetop

3.Cook the bacon in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 450 degrees (if using separate convection oven, otherwise cook it next to the chicken and watch it, probably 20-25 minutes)

4.Chop up a head of cauliflower into florets

5.Cook the cauliflower in the microwave on the vegetable setting

6.Chop up the onions and peppers and pan fry

7.If oven baking the chicken, chop up cooked chicken into a large bowl

8.Add all of the other ingredients, reserving 2 Oz Cheddar and 2 Oz of Monterey Jack

9.Add the mixture into a large, greased casserole dish and top with the remaining cheese

10.Cover with foil and cook for 25 minutes at 350 degrees, then 5 minutes without the foil


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