Lunch: Refrigerator Garden Pickles Recipe


6 cups sugar
6 cups white vinegar
1/4 cup celery seed
1/4 cup mustard seed
2 tablespoons canning salt
10 medium carrots, halved lengthwise and cut into 2-inch pieces
3 medium cucumbers, sliced
3 medium sweet red peppers, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 large onions, halved and sliced
1 bunch green onions, cut into 2-inch pieces


In a Dutch oven, combine the first five ingredients; bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Meanwhile, place the remaining ingredients in a large bowl.
Pour hot liquid over vegetables; cool. Transfer to jars, if desired; cover tightly. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours before serving. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.


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