Dessert: Caramel Apple Cheesecakeadilla

Recipe by Lindsay Funston We can't get enough of this autumnal flavor combo. Sweetened cream cheese and thinly sliced Granny Smith apples make up the filling; a drizzle of caramel sauce makes it irresistible.


1/3 c. cream cheese, softened
2 tsp. sugar
2 8" flour tortillas
Butter, for greasing tortillas
1 Granny Smith apple, thinly sliced
Caramel sauce, for drizzling


Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.
In a small bowl, mix together cream cheese with 1 tsp. sugar.
Grease outsides of tortillas with butter. On the inside of one tortilla, slather cream cheese mixture. Add to skillet cream cheese-side-up and top with sliced apples. Add remaining tortilla (butter-side-up).
Cook until golden and crispy, 3 minutes, then flip and continue cooking until golden and cream cheese mixture is warmed through, 2 minutes more.
Remove from heat, sprinkle with remaining 1 tsp. sugar, and drizzle with caramel.


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