Lunch: Pork Chops

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Health and fertility benefits of Pork Chops

Apple cider vinegar will improve your body's sensitivity to insulin (Reference:


•18 Pork Chops (4.46lbs)
•4 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
•½ Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
•½ Cup Splenda
•½ tsp Pepper
•½ tsp Ginger


1.Start by adding all of the ingredients other than the pork chops to a food processor

2.Mix the marinade

3.Place all of the pork chops in a greased pan and pour the marinade over it

4.Cook for 60 minutes at 350 degrees, flipping after 30 minutes

5.Chop up the pork chops into bite sized pieces and divide equally into 10 lunch servings


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