Lunch: Cajun Blackened Steak with Sugar Snap Peas


Cajun Blackened Steak
4 cups root beer
4 (2-pound) T-bone steaks
Cajun Spice Mix
2 tablespoons freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon hot paprika
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon ground thyme
1 tablespoon file powder
1 tablespoon mustard powder
Sugar Snap Peas, recipe follows
Potatoes Gumbo, recipe follows


Marinate the steaks in root beer for 24 hours. Remove the steaks from the root beer and pat dry.
In a small bowl mix the pepper, hot paprika, sweet paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder, ground thyme, file powder, and mustard powder together for the Cajun Spice Mix.
Put the Cajun spice mix on a tray and heat a cast iron pan over medium heat. Season the steaks with salt and press the steaks into the Cajun spice mix on both sides. Put the steaks, one at a time, in the hot cast iron pan, sear for approximately 2 to 3 minutes on each side for a medium-rare steak, allow to rest before serving.
Spoon the Sugar Snap Peas, recipe follows, over the steak, garnish with flaked salt and serve with Potato Gumbo, recipe follows.


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