Breakfast: Crumpets with Bacon


8 slices lean bacon
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
8 crumpets
1 red chile, minced
Warm pure maple syrup, for serving


In a large, nonstick skillet, cook the bacon slices over moderate heat until they are crisp, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer the bacon to a plate.
In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with the egg yolks and season with salt and pepper. Add the butter to the skillet and melt it in the bacon fat. Dip the crumpets in the beaten eggs and let soak for a few seconds. Add 4 of the crumpets to the skillet and cook over moderately high heat until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Dip and cook the remaining crumpets. Transfer the crumpets and bacon to plates. Sprinkle with the minced chile and pass the maple syrup at the table.


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