Lunch: Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Recipe


6 chicken leg quarters, skin removed
3/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
4 teaspoons minced fresh parsley
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/4 cup water


Using a sharp knife, cut through the joint of each leg quarter to separate into two pieces. Place chicken in a 4-qt. slow cooker.
In a small bowl, mix ketchup, orange juice, brown sugar, vinegar, oil, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, garlic salt and pepper; pour over chicken. Cook, covered, on low 5-6 hours or until meat is tender.
Remove chicken to a serving platter; keep warm. Skim fat from cooking juices; pour into a measuring cup to measure 2 cups. Transfer to a small saucepan; bring to a boil. In a small bowl, mix cornstarch and water until smooth; stir into cooking juices. Return to a boil, stirring constantly; cook and stir 1-2 minutes or until thickened. Serve with chicken.


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